Support Local - Be Vocal for Local TalentsLocal Miracles

Support Local

We all play a vital role

“Vocal for Local” the new mantra that is doing rounds these days. It is more than just a figure of speech. It’s time to make everyone realise how the building blocks of our economy are under the threat. Small businesses and industries are important to the economic and social structure of our society. We all play a vital role in their existence and continual growth.

Due to COVID-19, many lives are lost, families are uprooted. The financial strength of the country is shattered at large. Small businesses running from their houses or small shops like catering, tailoring, handicraft etc. have been hugely impacted due to lockdown. Also the social distancing measures added more burden. On top, not even having a right platform to showcase their product or services caused more damage. Not every business has a websites or online prowess to promote their work.


It's time to shake our conscience

Thus, in the middle of promoting “aatmnirbharbharat” (self-reliance), it is important to encourage and promote small businesses more than ever. The best recent example of the power of people is “Baba Ka Dhaba”, a small corner food stall run by an elderly couple. Their misery got people’s attention through the social media and overnight his video became viral. The very next day people in big numbers crowded the “Dhaba” and turned a frown into a smile for an old couple, trying to make it on their own through hard work. There are many such corner shops, food stalls, home run businesses which we tend to overlook. We avoid using their goods and services out of convenience, but now it’s time to consciously look out for such small business. We can help them survive and thrive on the basis of word of mouth only.

It is the need of the hour that we not only intentionally look for products and services made in India but also promote the local neighbourhood businesses by being vocal about them. By spreading the word about such small home run businesses gives a boost to their growth and development. Despite the uncertainty, these businesses contribute immensely to generate employment, transform business processes, and improve overall efficiency. They boost our economy by contributing little by little and we need them as much as they need us.

Nurture talent

Embrace the passion inside you...

This pandemic has also given all of us an opportunity to explore the talents around us or even within us.  Let’s take a step back and follow our passion. Be innovative and create something out of nothing, let’s be our own miracle and also be someone’s guiding angel by promoting and supporting their talent. We not only have to buy from “local” but also help them by being “vocal” about them. One can support local businesses or create their own local ventures at the same time by signing up on platforms that give an opportunity to tell their story, showcase talent and promote their products and services. 

Take a chance on yourself or on the talent around you. A small miraculous business is brewing in your neighbourhood. Creating a truly self-reliant India means to explore, encourage, and nurture the local talents and help economy grow from strength to strength.

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