My best friend, my hobby - Follow Your Passion - Local Miracles

My best friend, my hobby

Childhood Wonders

I had a childhood one can only imagine. Often, I cherish those times and the content I feel is beyond my vocabulary aptitude to describe in words. 

We are 5 sisters and you can imagine, how my childhood times have been – playing, fighting, learning, singing and lot more with each other. I admit, I was good in everything but studies, been an average student. It’s not like, I didn’t like to study but somehow I was always intrigued in doing crafts. In fact all my sisters were into it and that’s how I picked it up as well. 

Back in the days, I used to knit, do embroidery and other craft stuff. I spent most afternoons doing this (and not my homework 😉 ). We even compete with each other. We were living our lives to the fullest and enjoying whatever we did.

Wow! when I am writing this, it’s like I am reliving those, #feeling-nostalgic.

Life moved on and so did I, literally. I got married after my graduation and Bengaluru became my new home. Life had new ideas and challenges for me and I was excited to live next phase of my life.

The excitement didn’t last for long, different reasons – mostly usual. To be honest that’s not the exciting part as well to share.  Living in a nuclear family and lack of local language abilities didn’t help either. Making friends, having a circle of any sorts was a herculean task. Two years into my marriage, we got blessed with a baby boy and like all of the mothers out there – life changed full circle for good and exciting reasons. 

He grew with time and at inverse proportion my motherhood responsibilities. Back to square one.

The Pandora's Box

Around a year and half back, I was cleaning our storeroom and found an old box of some unfinished crochet from old times and it was a flood of flashback – shining sun, open veranda, giggling and humming of my sisters, teasing and fighting with each other. That warmth of togetherness, prattling with chai, and so much more. It was an evocative moment.

Staring at the beautiful closely knitted memories of timeless moments in crochet patterns, an incomplete crochet table cover caught my eye. Without thinking too much, I just sat there and started crocheting. My fingers once again ran on the needle, spinning the yarn, it felt like a Piano player was playing music with his fingers. I was so engrossed that I lost track of the time and later, when my son asked for dinner, I realised that the whole evening I was crocheting. 

I could not sleep that night. Next morning, I rushed the household work and it took me few good hours to complete the table cover. I am sure most of you can relate to the level of immense accomplishment and satisfaction I felt afterwards. It made me realize what I had been missing all my married life. 


My Best Friend

I was searching for something elsewhere while it was within me all the time.

I knew now where I belong and how to nurture my long lost passion. Since then it has become my best friend and I couldn’t be happier. Crochet filled my life with colours, softness, warmth and never ending hope.

Unknowingly the talent I acquired in my childhood gave a ray hope and friend for life. My (unsolicited) advice to all the young people out there would be to invest in something you are good at alongside your studies.

Hello, my name is Shikha and I am a miracle!.

Shikha Creations

At Shikha Creations, I create a wide variety of crochet products ranging from shawls, sweaters, shrugs, socks etc. I also make table covers, basket covers

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