How Local Miracles was born - The Story of Local Miracles - Local Miracles

How Local Miracles was born

The Story

It's your story as well, I am one among you

Fellow Miracles,

The story of Local Miracles is all about following my passion.

Like many of you, I had this long temptation of doing something for myself. Something I have been passionate about, have dreamt of doing but never been able to make it a priority. I am one among you.

This moment of epiphany for me happened almost after 12 years of my marriage. After a long sacrifice of my corporate career, moving to an entirely different country, learning new language, battling new challenges every day. Local Miracles was not exactly a eureka moment of apple falling on my head. It took a year of manifestation of my ideas, countless discussions and deliberations in my heart & mind.

To turn every talent into a voice of countless courage

In the August of 2019,  when I was travelling back to Germany from Ghaziabad, my hometown in India,  I spent some of my flight time in reflecting upon myself. I asked the usual but tough questions on my being, and getting the answers wasn’t easy either. The challenge in challenging yourself is you are not challenging yourself enough. One thing in all this became evidently clear to me – I have to do something of my own, make my identity and follow my heart.

Unlike, most of you out there,  I am not smart or creative or have a particular hobby to turn into something. But, I have this constant voice inside me to tell me, Anjali you can too, do miracles.

Lot of ideas came into my mind and got straight into the bin. I saved a lot of trees by not even writing those down :-). Some stuck for few minutes, few remained bothering me for days.

Few days after my 40th birthday (see coming of age, mental age I mean),  an idea was born. The idea was simple, to help my local talented friends to connect to as many people. Expand their reach and essentially building a community of various talents out there. Giving them a platform to tell their story and inspire many many others who are just afraid to try.

Local Miracles

The idea felt so powerful to me as if I have got my own voice and I wanted it to be heard. I and myself debated this for few days before I started to water test this some of my life’s co-passengers. The enthusiasm, the response, the encouragement I got from all over was phenomenal. I didn’t want to waste any more seconds of my life in doing something else but turning this into a reality but…

Yes, every story has got one,  mine got quicker than I expected.

Right after we settled on our brand name, I got sick, had to go for unexpected and urgent surgery and lost a part of inside me.  While this was depressing, staying in hospital for a week and another week or two in recovery but it did not deter me in any way.  I had to came out strong and I did.

The whole experience reminded me of how I gave birth to my son with the pains and joy it all comes with. Local Miracles is second my child, I want to nourish for rest of my remaining life.

What happens afterwards, well that’s a whole story in itself. coming soon! “how it came into being”.

Be a Miracle...
Be an Inspiration...

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