Be A Miracle - Follow You Passion and Dreams - Local Miracles

Be A Miracle

Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

Eleanor Roosevelt

These words from Roosevelt have been echoing in my ears for the longest time now. We all dream. We dream with our eyes shut or eyes wide open. Believe it or not, these dreams mark the course of our lives. Every action and inaction towards our dreams pave the way for our future identity. When these dreams do come true, we call it a Miracle. Just waiting to pop out with some nudge and motivation, with self belief, faith, hard work and finally with perseverance

Lesser known fact is that Miracles are all inside of us

Success stories are all around us

There are so many such miraculous success stories around us. Remember the quintessential local brand Lijjat Papad (of-course now a global brand it has become) was the brainchild of a Gujarati women from Bombay (now Mumbai). They wanted to start a small community business to create a sustainable livelihood using the skills they mastered – “cooking”. Their small idea of making quality papad (staple accompaniment with Indian meals) for some recurring earnings grew to become a success story by being India’s oldest all-female cooperative that employs close to 45,000 women.

Similarly, the popular Indian spices brand MDH owner Mahashay Dharampal Gulati, started with mere 1500 rupees. Selling spices from a small shack and grew strength by strength to earn net income of over 400 crores rupees last year. 

These stories of realising dreams, overcoming struggles, being resilient, and having strong determination to achieve miraculous successes. They restores our faith that there is miracle in ordinary people living in ordinary circumstances. One might feel overwhelmed by the dreams or ideas in the mind, on how to take meaningful action, how to start and where to proceed or the wait to see the desirable results, but it all culminates to success when we choose to remain passionate, dream bigger and be the miracle we want to see.

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